

     There is no better way to experience what it must have felt like for the explorers who "discovered" the New World than to go camping on the beach. While the topography might be different, I can imagine what it must have been like landing on the beaches of the Caribbean Islands and having to make camp. I went camping at Clear Lake in Galveston County which is still wrecked from the past hurricanes, so it is still very remote and desolate. It was kind of eerie to be out on the beach at night with nothing else around. The stars were so bright because of the lack of light pollution. Other than a tent and sleeping bag it was pretty primitive. 
     We made a fire, which took forever to accomplish. The wood wasn't dry enough so it wouldn't stay lit. We had to use a ton of kindling. But finally we got it hot enough to stay lit. It was so nice to sit around the fire and hear the ocean waves. I brought some sausages that we cooked right on the fire. We also had some beer, but I'm sure those sailors brought some kind of alcohol with them on their voyages. It was exhilarating spending the weekend with no creature comforts, just roughing it with nature. The only part that I hate about it is having to find a sand dune to hide behind to go to the bathroom!

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